Celebrate National Nutrition Month

By Stephanie Ann Lacava, 4th Year Dietetics Major

Celebrate National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month was created in 1973 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in order to promote healthful eating and physical activity. Every year during the month of March, the Academy invites us to learn how to make informed decisions about our food.

The theme for this year is Fuel for the Future. We can interpret this as both fueling our bodies for a healthy and long-lasting future as well as eating sustainably to support the future of our planet.

You can find a variety of ways to get involved on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website. One of our favorite features is the weekly messages that remind us of the little things we can do every day to fuel the future.

Eat a variety of foods from all food groups.

Include fruits, vegetables, grains, lean protein, and heart healthy fats in your daily meals.

Here are a few ways to achieve these goals in the dining commons:

  • Grab a piece of fruit at each meal.
  • Make a side salad to accompany your main course.
  • Add veggies to an omelet, pasta toss, or soup.

Eat with the environment in mind.

Select foods that are in season, shop locally when you can, and support local groups that are working towards a more sustainable future. You can visit the Athens Farmers Market for groceries or volunteer at UGArden to learn more about sustainable farming.

In the dining commons, try incorporating more plant-based meals and snacks into your visits. Here are just a few ways to do this:

  • Add black beans or chickpeas to a salad.
  • Top your oatmeal with peanut butter and fruit.
  • Choose tofu or veggie burgers in a meal.

Make tasty food at home.

Cooking and prepping your meals at home is another great way to fuel yourself. You can find a variety of simple, delicious recipes online, including on the USDA’s MyPlate website.

Interested in a hands-on lesson? Sign up for a cooking class at the UGA Health Center’s Nutrition Kitchen!

Other ways to get involved:

  • Try at least one new food this month.
  • Discuss your nutrition questions and concerns with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist on campus.
  • Keep an eye out in the dining commons for posters, brochures, and table tents with helpful nutrition information all year long.

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