Archive for the ‘Eating Smart’ Category

Breakfast served with coffee, orange juice, croissants, cereals and fruits.
Eating Plant-Based in the Dining Commons
fitness dumbbell and barbell weight plates
Student sharing about Earth Day at UGA
2024 dining bracket contest results
Assortment of rainbow color vegetables and fruits
National Nutrition Month 2024 Crossword
Eating a Rainbow in Spring
A photograph of a young woman with her head down on a desk.
A photograph of a variety of beans sorted into large, open bags
Eating Healthy with Paw Points
'Tis the Season to Be Giving: A Healthy Holiday Gift Guide
A Day in the Life of a NUTR Practicum Student
A Day in the Life of a Community Nutrition Graduate Student
Trick or Treat Yourself with Balanced Halloween Treats!
A top-down photograph of two bowls sitting atop a wooden serving board. One bowl contains carrots, brocoli, squash, berries, onions, and rice. The second bowl has quinoa, green beans, shrimp, and red onions.
A photograph of a plate of salad with rows of tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, mushrooms, peas, and greens.
The Food Rainbow Series: Stimulating Your Appetite Through Aesthetics
Whole Grains For Your Whole Life
Celebrate National Nutrition Month
Rethink Your Drink graphic
an orange bowl filled with yogurt topped with blueberries, raspberries, and granola. A salad sits off to the side of the image.
a student wearing a hat and headphones sits studying at a table in Bolton Dining Commons.
a collage of four images: a piece of pumpkin pie, a salad mix of cauliflower, greens, and chickpeas, roasted brussels sprouts, and slices of turkey with garnish.
An image of a hand holding an iphone and taking a photo of a tray of food including a plate of pancakes with banana slices, a bowl of fruit, half a grapefruit, a pear, a banana, nuts and raisins, granola, and a cup of orange juice.
a green shallow bowl with grilled chicken, rice, black beans, and diced sweet potatoes, squash, and zucchini
Dozens of honey bees cluster on the outside of a beehive.
Food for Thought: Nutrition and Brain Health
A white plate with steamed broccoli, a sweet potato, and a red bell pepper stuffed with quinoa and cheese.
Know your portions. Recommendations for Adults, Ages 18-30. Fruits 1 1/2 - 2 1/2, Vegetables 2 1/2- 3 1/2 cups, Grains 6 - 10 oz, Protein 5 - 7 oz, Dairy 3 cups. Balance meals and reduce food waste. 1/2 cup small bowl 1 1/2 cup cereal bowl 1 cup soup bowl, 2 cups salad bowl, 2 cups glass, 1 cup coffee cup, 2 cups large bowl
Image of meals made at UGA's dining hall O'House at the O'Hacienda station.
Image of a leafy green salad with rice and another side made at a UGA dining hall.
Image of grapefruit and oranges against a yellow and orange background.
Picture of a Vitamin E rich snack from the UGA dining hall.
Image of a nutritious meal with salmon, broccoli, and peppers from a UGA dining hall.
Image of a person's feet while they lay down in a bed.
Image of a burrito made at one of UGA's dining halls.
Graphic from UGA dining that promotes the benefits of isoflavones in a diet.
Image of a woman chewing a pencil while looking at her laptop.
An image of a quinoa bowl made at a UGA dining hall.
Image of a meal made at a UGA dining hall with whole grains.
Graphic that highlights different salad toppings from the salad bars at UGA, like guacamole.
Image of a salad from one of the UGA dining commons filled with different toppings.
Graphic designed for a UGA dining video about how to properly store and microwave leftover food from the dining hall.
Image of a Bulldog Box filled with vegetarian friendly food from a specific UGA dining hall.
Peer Nutrition Educator Tip: Fruit
Picture of a UGA Bulldog Box filled with food.
Image of a filled UGA Bulldog Box.
Graphic describing dietary needs and the UGA meal plan by Katherine Ingerson.

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