Digital Advertisements

Dining Services has Digital Advertising Boards within several dining commons and retail dining locations. University of Georgia units can request to run digital ads on these boards.

Digital advertisements run from Friday – Friday for up to two weeks.

Ad Requirements:
  • Ads are accepted from registered University of Georgia departments, schools and units. Ads from non-UGA entities will not be accepted.
  • Advertisements must be to the benefit of the majority of the campus community (e.g. UGA events with open invitation, health and wellness resources, academic resources, etc.). Ads for specific university courses or items available for purchase will not be accepted.
Ad Specifications:
  • Ads must be sized to 1920 x 1020 pixels.
  • Ads must be saved as PNG or JPG format.
  • Please do not use any copyright materials (logos, photos, etc.) without consent from the owner of the copyright.
  • Please keep ad designs within the bounds of UGA’s official Brand Style Guide.
  • Advertisements display for 10 seconds at a time, so make sure your ad design is simple and readable.

Requesting an Ad

Please submit your request at least 14 business days prior to the desired run date.

Include in the details of your request the time period for which you would like the ad to run.

Submit Digital Ad Request

You will receive a notice via email if your ad has been accepted.

UGA Dining Services reserves the right to remove any material that does not comply with guidelines or for any operational needs or concerns.

Tabling in the Dining Commons

Dining Services also offers the opportunity for UGA-associated organizations to table in the dining commons.

Table Requirements: 
  • Organizations must be associated with the University of Georgia and benefit the entire University of Georgia community to be considered.
  • Tabling shall not negatively impact the dining experience for patrons.
  • Product sales or promotion of a commercial entity are prohibited.

Requesting a Table

Tabling requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to requested date(s).

Include the following information in the details of your request:

  • description of tabling activities (e.g. topics to be discussed, flyer/swag handouts, games, etc.)
  • required space (e.g. table measurements, banner/poster measurements, etc.)
  • number of individuals managing the table

Submit Tabling Request

You will receive a notice via email if your tabling request has been accepted.

Dining Services reserves the right to refuse any requests.

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