Though filled with many joys, the Thanksgiving holiday can also come with some significant anxieties and stressors. The following tips can help reduce stress and improve satisfaction when enjoying your Thanksgiving meal.
Remember your Fruits and Veggies
With all of the options available, it’s easy to forget to grab a fruit and a vegetable—grab them first. Vegetables and fruits contain essential vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber to promote smooth digestion of your Thanksgiving meal.
Not only can water promote healthy digestion, it also can combat fatigue and headaches throughout the day. Make sure to keep a water bottle near!
Savor Slowly
Have you ever eaten so quickly your stomach couldn’t keep up? Sometimes we get so excited once our Thanksgiving plate is in front of us that we accidentally eat until we’re uncomfortably full. Try to give yourself time to savor the tasty Thanksgiving dishes. The first stage of digestion happens in our mouths, so make sure to honor this by taking time to enjoy all of the flavors and textures.
Get Active
Before (or after) your meal, try engaging your family and friends in a fun, light physical activity. This can help your body digest your meal, create an opportunity to bond with your loved ones, and alleviate the overwhelming full feeling after a large Thanksgiving meal. A light session of yoga or a short walk with friends and family can be just enough!
Eat Breakfast
Eating breakfast promotes a healthy metabolism, setting the stage for the meals to come during the day. Many are under the impression that eating breakfast or lunch before Thanksgiving dinner will negatively impact appetite later on in the day. However, the opposite is true. Don’t cave to the pressure of thinking you need to “save room” for your Thanksgiving meal. Not only can skipping breakfast lead to overeating later in the day, but it can cause more stress than simply enjoying a fulfilling breakfast.