Dining Services, in partnership with the Facilities Management Division and the Office of Sustainability, has diverted food waste from the landfill since 2014. This food waste is pulped and transported to the Bioconversion center, where it is composted and reused in campus landscaping projects and at the UGArden.

  • In January of 2020, the dining locations at the Tate Student Center began composting consumer food waste in partnership with the Office of Sustainability.
  • In December of 2018, Campus Catering began composting all post-consumer food waste.
  • In March of 2018, the dining locations at the Tate Student Center began composting pre-consumer food waste including fruit & vegetable scraps, grains, and coffee grounds.
  • In April of 2014, Dining Services eliminated all non-compostable items from the dining commons, which allows 100% of food waste to be composted. This was done by switching from non-biodegradable products like individual condiment packets, tea bags with paper tags attached by metal staple, and plastic straws to more sustainable options like reusable bulk condiment stations, 100% silk tea bags, and biodegradable paper straws.

Reducing Waste Compost graphic for UGA DIning

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